demonstration lesson - in our studio5 €(we announce special dates for FREE demonstration lessons - follow the ONLINE system)
1st lesson - as a trial lesson - in our studio10 €(only with valid registration, see above)
individual lessons (for a specific date/time)20 €(only with valid registration, see above)
SEASON TICKET 5 lessons49 €valid for 2 months from the first lesson (+2 months of vacation)
SEASON TICKET 10 lessons53 €valid for 3 months from the first lesson (+2 months of vacation)
COURSE 10 lessons for beginners55 €October - December 2019
SEASON TICKET 15 lessons60 €valid for 4 months from the first lesson (+2 months of vacation)
SEASON TICKET 20 lessons49 €(multiple times per week, valid for 6 months)
CREDIT for 10 individual lessons100 €(without limitation)
SENIOR 60+ YOGA & PILATES120 €20 lessons, only seniors aged 60+ for morning lessons
SENIOR 60+ YOGA & PILATES40 €10 lessons, only seniors aged 60+ for morning lessons
JUNIOR - 14 - 19 years olds40 € Kč10 lessons, discounted price 120Kč/lesson